
Welcome to my Kid Friendly Internet Blog!

This site is affiliated with our main web site and will be updated regualarly by me, Sydney.

Are your kids safe when they're online? That'w what our web site is all about. And this blog will be a great forum to discuss those concerns in more detail and in a more relaxed setting.

Here, I'll post suggestions, ideas, product reviews and other information as it comes available. I hope you enjoy it.

Who is Sydney, you ask? Well my name is Sydney Walsh and I operate the a web site dedicated to makeing the internet a safe and secure place for kids. I founded the site beacuse I wanted to help protect my family and my friend's families. The web is full of lots of information that's just plain usesless. And that's the good kind. The bad kind is downright misleading. So I wanted a place to go to to find real honest and helpful information. So I started as a place where you and I can go to and get the stuff we need as parents to do right by our kids.

So why the blog? Well, a web site is a great place to put information, but it isn't really set up to share opinions or ideas. This blog will let me do that with you. And will let you do that with me, too. And I hope this back and forth dialogue will help me make my kid friendly internet site a better and more useful place.

So... welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy.

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